The bodies aren't even cold yet.
And the Fox News Channel is already looking at the "silver lining".
"Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: London terror attack near G8 summit "works to ... Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together"
Thought like this is repugnant and irreprehesible. They're just shy of saying "Yeah, they deserved it because they weren't making it their first priority".
London has been through MUCH MUCH more than the US has when it comes to terrorism. The IRA isn't just a retirement savings account. It constantly amazes me how quickly we forget that the people of England have been dealing with bombings like this for decades.
From what I've seen none of the cable news channels have even touched on this.
Then again, that wont stop the arrogant in the US from saying "See, we knew terrorism was bad, you guys are dumb".
I feel for the people in London. I feel for the world, this is giving those fighting the "new crusade" a wonderful platform to show how we need to kill the "evil do-ers".
I'm watching CNN right now & anyone who says there's a liberal media is full of it. They just had a 4 minute segment about how the G8 somehow was wrong to have global warming & poverty on the top of their agenda. And that they have "lost focus" on the war on terrorism. Meanwhile they go on to say that in both 2002 & 2003 the war on terror was nearly #1 on the list each year. Appearantly, there is nothing else we should be talking about. There aren't any other threats in the world...just terrorists.
Considering these attacks were perfectly timed with the start of the G8, isn't it crossing anyone's mind that they terrorists WANT to escalate the "war on terror"?
"Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: London terror attack near G8 summit "works to ... Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together"
Thought like this is repugnant and irreprehesible. They're just shy of saying "Yeah, they deserved it because they weren't making it their first priority".
London has been through MUCH MUCH more than the US has when it comes to terrorism. The IRA isn't just a retirement savings account. It constantly amazes me how quickly we forget that the people of England have been dealing with bombings like this for decades.
From what I've seen none of the cable news channels have even touched on this.
Then again, that wont stop the arrogant in the US from saying "See, we knew terrorism was bad, you guys are dumb".
I feel for the people in London. I feel for the world, this is giving those fighting the "new crusade" a wonderful platform to show how we need to kill the "evil do-ers".
I'm watching CNN right now & anyone who says there's a liberal media is full of it. They just had a 4 minute segment about how the G8 somehow was wrong to have global warming & poverty on the top of their agenda. And that they have "lost focus" on the war on terrorism. Meanwhile they go on to say that in both 2002 & 2003 the war on terror was nearly #1 on the list each year. Appearantly, there is nothing else we should be talking about. There aren't any other threats in the world...just terrorists.
Considering these attacks were perfectly timed with the start of the G8, isn't it crossing anyone's mind that they terrorists WANT to escalate the "war on terror"?