Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm not alone! The truth about Walmart will be exposed!


Someone with some $$ and clout has put together an expose' about how walmart is killing the retail market as we used to know it.

Robert Greenwald, the Director of "Outfoxed" has a new film:

"Walmart. The High Cost of Low Prices"

I urge everyone to check it out. Outfoxed was an excellent piece & all signs point to this one being just as good. Walmart has already launched an ad campaign saying how this movie is just propaganda & promoting a narrow special interests agenda. Considering the fact that the movie isn't even out yet & Walmart has admitted that they have not seen the movie yet, it's quite obvious this is simply part of an effort to do some preemptive damage control & propaganda of their own.

There are trailers & other media clips about the movie available by clicking on this banner: