A cloud of Anthrax
I remember sitting in my apartment in the ghetto in 2001 thinking to myself, "If many of the terrorists involved in the attack on the WTC were college educated at universities here in the US, why can't they write a threating letter with decent grammar?"

These aren't dumb people, only ignorant Americans think that everyone from the middle east are idiots who know nothing but farming sheep and riding camels. That's why I never believed these the anthrax attacks were from someone in the middle east.
Turns out, not only were these attacks not from the middle east, but it looks like they were an inside job with the materials coming from our own US military.
Tuesday night, the lead suspect in the investigation died of an appearant suicide. I know that there is work being done to frame him as a crackpot, and Occam's Razor would say that is the case since it's the simplest solution.
All the same, my tin foil hat is at full sail and I've even got an aluminum Spinnaker to catch these winds of conspiracy..............
How far of a stretch is it to think that this guy is simply a patsy? The real operation was that of an inside job orchestrated at the highest levels of government to stoke the flames of fear lit by the events of 9/11. Scared people are pliant and easy to convince. People in the shadow of fear might be more willing to go along with starting an unprovoked war for the first time in our country's history.
All the same, even if this was just some crackpot, the Bush administration leveraged this coincidence to their fullest advantage and used it to place a cloud of fear over the public. As is detailed in the linked article, the anthrax attacks were referenced time and time again as a reason we should attack Iraq.
I'm realizing now that I really don't have a point to all of this. I guess I'm still in disbelief that it took 7 years for us to track down someone who is intimately involved with the anthrax "scene" here in the US. And that it took us 7 years to recognize that the germ was our own brand of funk.

These aren't dumb people, only ignorant Americans think that everyone from the middle east are idiots who know nothing but farming sheep and riding camels. That's why I never believed these the anthrax attacks were from someone in the middle east.
Turns out, not only were these attacks not from the middle east, but it looks like they were an inside job with the materials coming from our own US military.
Tuesday night, the lead suspect in the investigation died of an appearant suicide. I know that there is work being done to frame him as a crackpot, and Occam's Razor would say that is the case since it's the simplest solution.
All the same, my tin foil hat is at full sail and I've even got an aluminum Spinnaker to catch these winds of conspiracy..............
How far of a stretch is it to think that this guy is simply a patsy? The real operation was that of an inside job orchestrated at the highest levels of government to stoke the flames of fear lit by the events of 9/11. Scared people are pliant and easy to convince. People in the shadow of fear might be more willing to go along with starting an unprovoked war for the first time in our country's history.
All the same, even if this was just some crackpot, the Bush administration leveraged this coincidence to their fullest advantage and used it to place a cloud of fear over the public. As is detailed in the linked article, the anthrax attacks were referenced time and time again as a reason we should attack Iraq.
I'm realizing now that I really don't have a point to all of this. I guess I'm still in disbelief that it took 7 years for us to track down someone who is intimately involved with the anthrax "scene" here in the US. And that it took us 7 years to recognize that the germ was our own brand of funk.
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