One thing is certain, money speaks louder than cries for help.
Not only do the rich keep getting richer, but when disaster strikes, they are almost certainly the ones who will get the attention. Maybe since "trickle down economics" worked OHHH so well, they figure they would try "trickle down disaster recovery".
After the mess that is south Florida post Wilma it's very obvious that the special attention being paid to the "haves" was no fluke after Katrina..Because it's happening again.
Michael Moore (yes yes.. save your fat white guy jokes for someone else) has an article copied on his website from the Miami Herald (no liberal media jokes necessary...thanks). The article details the hell that has become Miami-Dade & Broward Counties after this storm. A week after the storm there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people with nothing left. Some not even a roof over their heads, food or water.
Here is the article:
Again I have to ask that everyone contact whoever they can in the media about this dire issue. For weeks after Katrina we heard about the hell that was New Orleans. And I'm not trying to marginalize what those people went through. But mind you the Greater New Orleans area is very concentrated & has a population of 1.3 Million people. The Tri-County area of Florida that was hit by Wilma has well over 5 Million residents. This story needs to be told & I'd be willing to bet that most Americans have no idea what is happening.
PLEASE contact the media sources I listed in the previous article & ask them to cover this story!
After the mess that is south Florida post Wilma it's very obvious that the special attention being paid to the "haves" was no fluke after Katrina..Because it's happening again.
Michael Moore (yes yes.. save your fat white guy jokes for someone else) has an article copied on his website from the Miami Herald (no liberal media jokes necessary...thanks). The article details the hell that has become Miami-Dade & Broward Counties after this storm. A week after the storm there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people with nothing left. Some not even a roof over their heads, food or water.
Here is the article:
Again I have to ask that everyone contact whoever they can in the media about this dire issue. For weeks after Katrina we heard about the hell that was New Orleans. And I'm not trying to marginalize what those people went through. But mind you the Greater New Orleans area is very concentrated & has a population of 1.3 Million people. The Tri-County area of Florida that was hit by Wilma has well over 5 Million residents. This story needs to be told & I'd be willing to bet that most Americans have no idea what is happening.
PLEASE contact the media sources I listed in the previous article & ask them to cover this story!